Sporting Chance Cancer Foundation – BNT Challenge 2024

Jun 13, 2024
Show your support for the boys riding the National Trail Challenge!
The “National Trail” follows the foothills of the Great Dividing Range and the Eastern Escarpment from Cooktown QLD to Healesville VIC. As it winds along Australia’s Eastern Seaboard the National Trail reveals some of the most spectacular scenery in the country. The Trail provides access through some of Australia’s wildest, most inaccessible country and provides endless fascination for those interested in our unique geography, fauna and flora and traditional watering holes. There is a group of blokes from Berowra, just north of Sydney, who have a goal to ride their mountain bikes the entire length of the trail in sections over the coming years. In doing so they will be raising funds for the Sporting Chance Cancer Foundation.
Having completed the first 4 sections of the National Trail the Berowra boys are keen to take on the last leg in the state of Queensland. With 2,600 kilometres behind them the next challenge is the 605 kms from Biggenden to Gatton, just near the border with NSW. That will be 15 days from 1 June to 16 June 2024 where they will endure and enjoy 9 bush camps and 6 of the best pubs that south east Queensland has to offer !! Aside from the obvious rehydration required, as they will average over 40 kms a day cross country, the stop at the pubs will allow them to mix with the locals and impress on them that they can help The Sporting Chance Foundation to provide much needed support for kids with cancer in their communities.
The Berowra boys plan is for the 9 mountain bike riders, supported by their trusty 80 Series Landcruiser support vehicle and driver Westy, to complete section 5/6 this year and then to proceed to ride the next 6 sections through the mountains of NSW & Victoria over the coming years.
Sporting Chance will use funds raised at our recent Brisbane race day to match the riders $ for $ so that we double our donation to Brisbane Children’s Hospital!!!